Opportunities and challenges in delivering biologics for Alzheimer's disease by low-intensity ultrasound.


with BBB modulators (targeting molecules such as claudin-5), and highlight the insight provided by super-resolution microscopy. Finally, we conclude with a short discussion on how in vitro findings can inform the design of animal studies, and how the insight gained may aid treatment optimization in the clinical ultrasound space.

Authors Chen, Liyu; Cruz, Esteban; Oikari, Lotta E; Padmanabhan, Pranesh; Song, Jae; Götz, Jürgen
Journal Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
Pages 114517
Volume 189
Date 1/01/2022
Grant ID
Funding Body
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=10.1016/j.addr.2022.114517